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In the meantime in a sentence

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Sentence count:214+3Posted:2017-01-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: meantimein timein the nick of timedemeanormeantanthemin the mainon timeMeaning: adv. during the intervening time. 
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(31) In the meantime, I hope you will allow me and my family a few hours of peace to think about things.
(32) In the meantime, other members of the cast were involved with projects for the deaf and for prisoners.
(33) Will he accept personal responsibility for any tragedies that occur in the meantime?
(33) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(34) In the meantime, we have to step up our efforts to find this damn ship.
(35) In the meantime, a sudden cloud had appeared, and a few large drops of rain spattered the courtyard.
(36) In the meantime, Bill had lost control of his bowels.
(37) In the meantime, I understand you have been trying to find out how the Carmel Woods inquiry went.
(38) In the meantime cider drinkers are hoping their lunchtime tipple doesn't become a luxury.
(39) In the meantime, I had a publishing deal and would just keep putting material in the catalog.
(40) In the meantime, we should hire such systems in whenever necessary, to familiarise staff with the technology.
(41) In the meantime, there is serious concern about the future of secondments for courses longer than one term.
(42) In the meantime, however, there was rewarding work for women like herself in the household of the faith.
(43) In the meantime, I've cabled for an X-ray report on the fellow's chest.
(44) In the meantime, forget about your understanding of the workweek as most workers know it.
(45) In the meantime, Timpson and myself had planned to strafe the road at Bug Bug on the night 15/16 July.
(46) In the meantime, the morale of the men was reasonably good[], in spite of their air having deteriorated.
(47) In the meantime, having placated conservative critics, the Bush administration is waiting.
(48) In the meantime, if you want to ask questions, come to me, not to my junior staff.
(49) In the meantime, the two opposing counsels continue to play a role that is unusually public.
(50) In the meantime Lowell had made do with powdered milk for both him and the animal.
(51) It was recognised that in the meantime there would be a number of informal meetings regarding the Partner-in-Residence.
(52) However, Gordon had in the meantime banned all patient activities with outsiders.
(53) In the meantime, what do you want for your birthday dinner?
(54) In the meantime, Parkside is being maintained by a crew of former pit men working for a private contractor.
(55) In the meantime, he earned his keep with a part-time job in a toyshop.
(56) He told Sir Bryan to get the Chief Constable on the line immediately and to keep it open in the meantime.
(57) In the meantime, he says, Elizabeth would benefit from detailed professional financial planning and investment advice.
(58) In the meantime, Jean is keeping the blanket cupboard well stocked for the winter.
(59) In the meantime I enclose a selection of wooden bench designs.
(60) In the meantime, I've arranged for her daughter to stay with an aunt.
More similar words: meantimein timein the nick of timedemeanormeantanthemin the mainon timeuntimelyfrom time to timeintimateintimatelysentimentalsentimentmeanthememeanwhileby means ofby any meansby all meansby no meansschememeaningfulvehementtimeat home and abroadat the mercy ofpageantfor a timeat no time
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